Scrappy Birthday

Another crafty post from me today to add to the Scrapbooking collection!
I’ve been working on a couple of exciting crafty makes for the past couple of weeks which I have had to keep on the down-low (hush hush!) from you all because it was a certain special someones 50th birthday yesterday- My beautiful, inspirational Mum!
As a super special celebration I decided the perfect gift would be to document our special moments shared over the years, and with this, there was no better way than to do it in style with a scrapbook!
Let’s just say I DID NOT hold back on the decorations, sequins and dingly danglys…I had an absolute field day using my glue gun, plowing through 23 glue sticks, yes-TWENTY THREE! With a mass of flowers, bows and ribbons and a Fairytale-esque theme in mind I was in my element, it was hard to know when to stop sticking!
Below I have made a slideshow of all the pages, take a peek!
The boyfriend took a cheeky snap of me in my crafty heaven, lost in the world of creativity!
Paper, beads, buttons, ribbons, bows, sequins, flowers, and scissors everywhere…and believe me when I say it was a lot messier than this at one point…
Once I had dragged myself away from the glue gun (yes it was hard to resist a few more sequins), and decided my masterpiece was finished, I wrapped it up in tissue paper in a perfect sized box which I bought from TK MAXX and tied it up with some polka-dot ribbon.
Of course this made the most ideal sitting place for my feline friend, marking her territory on anything new!
The thing that I love most when making a gift for someone is knowing you have put your heart, soul and so much thought in to something that money cannot buy, sentimental value is worth so much more and knowing that I would get to see the expression on my mums face when she opened the box, made every second, minute and hour of making the book so much more exciting.
The moments that she opened the box were priceless, there was shock, smiles and then tears, which inevitably made me start blubbing too! How soppy were we at this point!
After this I thought it was probably best to put down the camera and give her a hug-gotta get a good snap though! Needless to say she was thrilled with the scrapbook, and re-read it a fair few times over and over!
Happy 50th Birthday to a very Special Mum!