Look Who’s Got a Shiny New Website…

Well, look at me getting fancy schmancy with a second website! I’m not going to lie, it’s taken me a hella lotta time going back to the joys of HTML coding, endless amounts of coffee and the inevitable square eyes. Why do I always make things trickier for myself by choosing the most complex website themes (GAHH!). In January, work was a little less full on for me which was

6 Handy Tips to Help you Create a Unique & Ideal Work Space

I’ve seen some pretty darn inspiring photos flying around Pinterest, Instagram and Bloglovin’ recently that show off and portray someones ‘ideal work space’. Whether your space is limited to one corner in a room (don’t worry, I’ve been there…), or if you’re lucky enough to have an entire room dedicated as an office or craft space, there’s still no denying that