Lisbon,%20you%20stole%20my%20heart…Lisbon, you stole my heart…
Viagem%20Segura!Viagem Segura!
My%20Craft%20RoomMy Craft Room

My Craft Room

I have been wanting to write this post for AGES! I always see so many nice photos on Pinterest of everyone’s personal work space, craft rooms and offices and I ogle over every single one! I always think it really depicts a persons individuality and gives you a sneaky insight to their style, personality and also the way that they work. I’m not going to lie, if you walked into my craft room at any other opportunity you would


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Having%20a%20MoochHaving a Mooch

Having a Mooch

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt since going freelance in the world of Interior styling and set dressing, is that there’s one particular activity which becomes a regular occurrence and is a must. SHOPPING. I am not complaining, I love shopping, but there’s an element of pressure that comes with the job for finding the


Making%20Magic%20with%20HobbycraftMaking Magic with Hobbycraft