Look Who’s Got a Shiny New Website…

Well, look at me getting fancy schmancy with a second website! I’m not going to lie, it’s taken me a hella lotta time going back to the joys of HTML coding, endless amounts of coffee and the inevitable square eyes. Why do I always make things trickier for myself by choosing the most complex website themes (GAHH!). In January, work was a little less full on for me which waslovely. I found myself with a bit of extra time and decided I wanted to make myself a second, non-blog website that kind of reflects what I do in my profession and career. I guess it’s pretty much an online CV that shows off a bit of my personality and character and (eventually) will include portfolio pages of all of my styling work too. Basically guys, I’m attempting to look somewhat professional with a hint of ‘this is who I am!’.

Please don’t even think for a second that this is a replacement website for That’s so Gemma – Hell no! I’ve just decided to (of course) give myself even more work to keep track of. What’s the saying though? Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. That’s my motto here.

So just to make things clear…

YES, I now have two websites

NO, my other website is not a blog

YES, I will still be blogging here

NO, my new website is not a replacement for That’s so Gemma

Ta Da…

