Make & Create: Collage Canvases with Laura Ashley



I’m back with a bang! Earlier this week I was luck enough to be featured once again on the Laura Ashley blog, this time getting artistic with a range of the Laura Ashley Harbour collection paint – and I just loved it!

If you like scrapbooking, collaging, tea drinking or lazy creative afternoons then this read is definitely for you. You can read the full post on the Laura Ashley blog here or re-direct in the link below.

Make & Do: Gemma’s Annecy Wallpaper Craft

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Also a quick update! I returned back from Manchester late Thursday with an achey body and a tired mind BUT I had an absolutely amazing time! You can expect to see a post coming up soon with more details and photos on how my trip went!

Today is my first day off in what feels like FOREVER so I plan on doing nothing but rest… my sofa is calling!

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