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DIY%20Printable%20Bunny%20GarlandDIY Printable Bunny Garland
How%20to%20Make%20a%20Bath%20ShelfHow to Make a Bath Shelf
How%20to%20Create%20a%20Flying%20Bat%20DisplayHow to Create a Flying Bat Display
4%20Ways%20to%20Recycle%20&%20Repurpose%20Food%20Packaging%20Boxes4 Ways to Recycle & Repurpose Food Packaging Boxes

4 Ways to Recycle & Repurpose Food Packaging Boxes

This year I’ve made it my priority to be far more mindful of my waste, so I’ve come up with some creative ways of putting leftover packaging to good use! I’m a huge fan of a cheap and easy DIY as well, so I want to share these 4 ways to recycle & repurpose food packaging boxes… Hopefully it will inspire you to recycle some of your own, and save space in your recycling bin!


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