Spring has Sprung: The outcome

So after 24 hours of drying off (yes, they took that long to dry!), my embroidery thread Easter decorations were ready to complete!
The amount of times I excitedly went to check on the decorations to see if they were dry was ridiculous! Each time I checked them they were getting closer, but I didn’t want to give in and pop the balloons incase they collapsed, so I was a good girl and waited patiently… or as patiently as I could!
Once they were completely dry I used scissors to pop the balloon inside, this was highly satisfying, and the sound that then follows is rather hilarious!
The balloon then shrivels up and is then really easy to pull out from the top of the decoration, use the knot from the balloon to yank it out!
I then attached some thin ribbon to the top of the decoration, tying it loosely to make a loop, so the decoration can be hung on to something.
For now, my decorations are happily hanging in my window, but all will become clear soon where their new home will be! Keep following my Spring has Sprung thread for more Easter surprises!