What’s New in the World of That’s so Gemma?

What’s new in the world of That’s so Gemma? I figured a little catch up was long overdue! I want to update you all on some exciting projects I have been working on over the past few months…

I’m honestly racking my brain trying to remember the last time I hopped on the blog just for a chit chat. I need to remember to do this more often because I know it’s important to keep you all updated on my latest scoop and to remind you there is in fact a human working hard behind the scenes bringing you this content!

This year sure has been a bit of a whirlwind huh? Highs, lows, good and bad. I want to keep this post positive though, so I’m going to fill you all in on the good stuff…

What’s New in the World of That’s so Gemma?

That's so Gemma stencilled floor

So unsurprisingly, at the beginning of March like many other creative freelancers, I found myself completely out of work. I distinctively remember one Thursday afternoon I had a chain of 4 emails from different clients to say that shoots were cancelled or ‘postponed’. Yikes. Yes I panicked and may have shed a few tears, but I quickly turned this anxiousness in to ambition.

I decided that if I was going to be out of work for a while, then I could channel all of my energy in to other important things in my life. It was time for my blog and Instagram to take the front seat for a change, and I’ve made it my mission to better my online presence ever since. Newsflash, I am absolutely loving it. I have never felt prouder of my website and the content quality on my blog is at it’s all-time highest.

I’ve had time to be me again…

As an interiors and DIY blogger, it’s important that I am constantly making new & creative content to inspire people to get hands on in their homes. Needless to say I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the time I’ve had to do more DIY projects around the house. More DIY means more tutorials & videos for you, which is what I love creating the most!

Any avid readers will know that we’ve completely renovated our front and back garden this year, as well as completed lots of fun DIY projects around the rest of the house too. I’ve also had time to be crafty again which really is something that feeds my creative soul…

What else have I been working on?

That's so Gemma what's new

I’ve been working on some really exciting collaborations recently with brands that I absolutely love. A few months ago I teamed up with Sofa Workshop to bring you a post on How to be Colour-Confident in Your Home , and I’ve also just finished an exciting campaign with Homesense, inspiring people to switch up their decor. My office makeover has definitely been a big hit and I am enjoying working in a more colourful environment. The fact that I wanted to keep my office monochrome baffles me. What was I thinking?!

That’s so Gemma

I’ve also been working extremely hard on perfecting my insta grid aesthetic too. I know to some people this may seem trivial but I spend a lot of time curating my feed and take huge pride in being a perfectionist about it. Finally I feel it really represents my brand exactly how I want it too, and in a weird sense it’s also made me recognise this myself too.

In 2020 my account has grown from 12.1 thousand followers to 28.7, so my efforts have definitely paid off!

That's so Gemma Instagram

My home is going to be featured in a magazine…

That's so Gemma Living room

In August, I had the lovely photographer, Fiona Walker-Arnott, visit my home to shoot my living room. I’m an interior stylist by trade, so we both worked together to produce content that will be hitting the shelves in Homestyle Magazine later this month!

To say I’m excited is an understatement. There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing my styling work come out in a magazine. The fact that it’s also going to be my home is a double whammy!

I’m currently working on plans for my first proper shoot again since the beginning of lockdown. I am going to be styling both December and January’s cover features for Ideal Home Magazine, so I’ll keep you updated with those issue releases too.

My blog is nominated for an award!

That's so Gemma Living room

I’m sure you all heard me shouting it from the rooftops on my socials, but incase you missed it… My blog is nominated for an Amara Interior Blog Award!

The voting has now closed and I’m anxiously waiting to hear whether or not I have been shortlisted. If there’s one good thing I could take away from this crazy year, being shortlisted for an IBA would be a whopper! To get shortlisted is a pretty big deal, and it would somewhat validate all of the hard work I have put in to this platform that I am now so proud of… So we shall see!

What’s next for That’s so Gemma?

This year sure has been a rollercoaster ride, but there are lots of positives I’ll be taking away from this experience. I’m enjoying things slowly returning back to ‘normal’, whatever that may be nowadays!

What’s next? I think we’ll let 2020 decide that! I’m taking each day as it comes and staying positive, appreciating what I already currently have!



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What's New in the World of That's so Gemma