Flashback through May

Here we are again for my second official monthly flashback-how time flies! May has brought me a lot of successful personal achievements, which makes it hard for me to believe I’ve still only been blogging for just over 2 months. I honestly can’t imagine life without blogging now, what on earth did I used to do with all of my spare time?! (Duh…Netflix.)
I’ve learnt a hell of a lot more things – planning and scheduling is essential, never does a day go by without me organizing or preparing for something blog related if not already doing a new post.
Most of all I’ve learnt to just ~Keep Moving Forward~, I think to start off with I put a lot of pressure on myself to be better and more efficient, and it got to a point where I had to say to myself… ‘Whoah Gemma, be cool, you’re doing alright!’. Now i’m content and happy with where I am for a newbie blogger, as long as I’m achieving and moving forward still that’s all I could possibly want!
To start off the month of May, a massive pat on the back to myself for creating my own Self-Hosted website Via Bluehost! Boy am I now a PRO at figuring HTML codes and configuring CSS!
I turned into a complete hermit in my spare time for about 4 days studying and watching YouTube tutorials on how to build websites, learning about plug-ins and widgets… I felt quite bad for my poor BF putting up with me all zombie-eyed and feeding me coffee every few hours…
BUT nevertheless my new website is gleaming! I’m very proud of the whole entire look and I have purchased my very own domain name! Massive achievement!!
Along with all of this I purchased my first bit of merchandise… Logo stickers!! And a lot of them!!
Networking has been a crucial part of my experiences throughout May, starting to interact and exploring other blogs of like-minded people. Facebook has played a Massive part of getting my blog seen, despite the fact that I refuse to pay Facebook money for advertising my page, instead I have joined many crafty networking groups such as CraftyMakers and Handmade Craft Network UK, which are ideal networking pages to see other people’s beautiful pages and get your own noticed! I’m Proud to say that this Month I have hit the 500 likes milestone, what an achievement!
Another great Networking page on Facebook is Hand Made in the UK, they run great evening networking games, where you can get your page shared and leave lot’s of friendly comments to get your page reach up! They also featured me on their HMUK blog page which was a huge compliment!
I’ve also been dedicating time to Pinterest, Instagram and Bloglovin’ which are all other great ways of networking for the crafty-minded people!
You can find all of my Networking links below…stalk me!
My crafty makes this month have been such fun! Having a special Birthday celebration this month for my Mum inspired me to be extra creative, and I’ve got a few more ideas up my sleeve for potential selling items at my future craft stall (again, a girl can dream)
Here’s a slide show below of all of my crafty makes from this month, with direct links below!
Have you Noticed my Noticeboard?
I’ve had a fantastic month of travels including a Sunny bank-holiday wedding, A pottery painting session at Art-ful with my Mumma and a Murder Mystery night at work where I was able to get glamorous!
Links below!
Wedding Wishes & Ice Cream Dishes
Moving on into June I want to especially keep up the Networking targets and carry on speaking and learning from other amazing Like-minded crafty people!
There’s some more merchandise that I wish to purchase but I’ll save that as a surprise for you all!
Business cards are definitely on the To-do list this month!
And of course…I have more crafty sessions and DIYs up my sleeve so watch this space!
Last but definitely not least, a HUGE thanks again to all of my followers! Feedback and guidance has been great from you all and it really does encourage me to keep at it and be confident! All of your encouragement and kind words really does have such an impact on me and the way I work so I couldn’t do it without you all!
Also a massive thanks to my BF for putting up with me in my blog-obsessed sessions! His support has been brilliant…and his teas and coffees!
Goodbye May, Hello June!